PSA News Items - December, 2022
Another Year is in the bag!
Lets start 2022 with some fun plans...
- We very successfully had 6 of our 9 events this year with more than 100 attendees in all. Covid did not stop us, but it did slow us a tiny bit.
- Just a few weeks ago, our Holiday party was a huge success. Thank you John and Anne Martin for opening up your beautiful home for a wonderful celebration
- Long time club Treasurer Anne Martin is stepping down from this critical role. Thank you Anne for working so hard at that position for many years. Ron Harbin has volunteered to take it over for the next few months until we have official elections in the Spring to vote in our new officers
- Membership dues in 2021 were waived due to Covid. However, we are now asking for members to start sending in 2022 dues. Please complete the Membership Form on our website and send to Rob Harbin.
PSA News Items - April 18, 2021
Hot off the press!
Ongoing and always looking for input
- The Club held its annual Sock Burn Event on 4/17/2021. It was a well attended and fun event. Thanks to Joan and Ed Criscuolo for organizing the event.
- Even though Covid is still very real, the Club had decided to schedule and plan a number of events for 2021. See the calendar page for the events. This was done in the interest of a return to 'normalcy' and considering the activities are all outdoors and that many of the members have now been vaccinated.
- As a reminder, don't forget to checkout the Clubs Facebook page and can be accessed here. It's a private members only page. If it's not one of the group's you currently subscribe to, simply hit the like button.
- The clubs current event photos are on Google Photos. Members needing help with access may call Ron Harbin or Jordan Snyder. Older club photos can still be found in the Gallery link.
New PSA 2021 Officers
The annual election of officers is normally held at the Spring Brunch but that event was cancelled due to Covid-19. So the election was instead held at the Sock Burn event on 4/17. Bob Morrow oversaw the election and announced the results at the event. Below are the results.
- Commodore - Jordan Snyder
- Vice Commodore - Martina Sestakova
- Treasurer - Anne Martin
- Secretary - Joan Criscuolo
PSA News Items - As of April 10, 2020
Ongoing and always looking for input
- Jordan Snyder and Ron Harbin are in the process of assuming responsibility (from long time webmaster Ed Criscuolo) for the PSA website. With this announcement, we have cleared out all the old news and are inserting this and other up to date and relevant news items. Please feel free to send any news items to either Jordan or Ron.
- The Covid-19 virus has made a big impact on all our lives. Our boating and club activities have been put on hold. It started with the cancellation our Spring Brunch, scheduled for March 29th. This is a very well attended annual event and we all missed seeing one another. It is likely that other events we have planned will also need to be cancelled. We will send emails and try our best to keep the website up to date with any cancellations.
- Another recent change has been to transfer responsibility of the club roster from Ed Criscoulo to Ron Harbin. Ron had taken over for Ed when he and Joan were in the Bahamas. Ron and Anne are currently working together to update the roster and plan to send it out to club members before May 1, 2020.
- The clubs current event photos are on Google Photos. Members needing help with access may call Ron Harbin or Jordan Snyder. Older club photos can still be found in the Gallery link.
- The club has started a Facebook page and can be accessed
here. It's a private members only page. You can request joining on Facebook and we will quickly accept.
New PSA 2020 Officers
Election for each year's officers is normally held at the Spring Brunch. Since that had to be cancelled, we have decided to announce here the changes that we were planning to announce there. Official voting will happen at the next club event.
- Commodore/Vice Commodore - Joan Criscuolo and Jennifer Cook
- Treasurer - Anne Martin
- Secretary/Webmaster - Jordan Snyder/Ron Harbin